Thursday 25 February 2010


Thank you all for your lovely comments :) I feel like I'm on the right track now and am looking forward to achieving all the things that I want to do in my life.

Last weekend I went to do a breadmaking course at the Abbotsford Convent Bakery and it was sooo much fun! It starts pretty early (8am on a Saturday) but that was perfect because it was heating up during the day. We started off with white sourdough of which we made rolls, then wholemeal pizza dough of which we made a savoury pizza and a apple & custard calzone, we made scones with sultanas and two rye sourdough loafs.

It was such a fabulous day, we got to have morning tea in the sun with our own scones, fresh cream and homemade raspberry jam and we had our own pizza for lunch (I only had 2 slices because I was still full from the scones). Our freezers are full with bread now, and it feels so good to know that I made it :)


Mookah Studio said...

Follow that dream girl! Good on you for being brave and for moving slowly towards living the life you want to live.

Unknown said...

That´s looks great. I am looking for a similar course. I have some recipes at home, now must find time to follow and try them.

Anonymous said...

It takes a brave person to take the leap and search for the life you want. Good for you!

Hena Tayeb said...

oh yay for you. I love bread.. glad you're out there doing what you want to do..

vlijtig said...

Dat lijkt me echt super. Echt leren broodbakken. Iets wat ik ook nog wel eens zou willen.